• Stakeholders involved in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (TPB/SDGs), which include government officials (central and regional levels), representatives of intergovernmental groups, civil society, non-governmental organizations, media, academics, entrepreneurs/business, and philanthropy.
  • Analysts/researchers who focus on compiling studies related to priority issues in the SDGs that need further references.
  • Experts who develop methodologies to measure progress in achieving SDGs in Indonesia.
  • The public who is interested in following developments in the achievements and challenges of implementing the SDGs in Indonesia.

SDGs Indonesia Dashboard version 3.0 is the most up-to-date edition compared to versions 1.0 and 2.0. Various updates were made both in terms of substance, namely adding the number of indicators and analytical features. SDGs Indonesia Dashboard version 3.0 is developed with a user-friendly concept to make it easier for users to explore data on SDGs attainments.

There are eight menus available on the SDGs Indonesia Dashboard version 3.0, including:

  • Landing page or main page that contains trending charts of macro development indicators and highlights the achievements of several SDGs indicators in line with the 7 National Priorities (PN) of the Government’s Work Plan.
  • The Development Macro Menu contains 7 indicators including poverty rate, gini ratio, economic growth, Human Development Index (IPM), open unemployment, Farmers’ Exchange Rate (NTN), and Fishermen’s Exchange Rate. In the Macro Development menu, achievement trends at the national level and their distribution across provinces will appear in more detail and interactively.
  • The SDGs Indicators menu contains the attainment trends of selected SDGs indicators from the 17 SDGs Goals and their distribution to provinces in a more detailed and interactive way.
  • The Data Availability menu contains data availability status for 17 Goals as part of the 4 pillars of SDGs development, namely the Social Development Pillar, Economic Development Pillar, Environmental Development Pillar, and Governance Legal Development Pillar. In this menu, users can find out the completeness of data disaggregation by region and socio-economic.
  • The Advanced Analysis menu has several analytical features, namely SDGs Performance, Regional Performance (Province/District/City), Scatter Plot Analysis (paired data), Multi Graph Analysis, Analysis of Specific Age Groups, and Monitoring Evaluation. In addition, the Indonesian SDGs Dashboard version 3.0 is also linked to the Best Practice Dashboard Repository.

The Dashboard Repository Best Practice menu is a forum for collecting best practices, stories, and documents implemented by the government and non-government in supporting the acceleration of the achievement of SDGs in Indonesia. The Best Practice Repository Dashboard is accessible and open to the public so that people can contribute by uploading good practices related to the SDGs.

The User Guide menu contains explanations regarding the Indonesia Indonesia SDGs Dashboard version 3.0 in the form of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and is equipped with a navigation tutorial video.

Macro Development Indicators are measurements that describe the performance of development achievements in social, economic, and environmental aspects. Development Macro Indicators are always used as a reference in compiling various development planning documents, including the Government Work Plan (RKP).

Macro Development Indicators contain 7 indicators including poverty rate, gini ratio, economic growth, Human Development Index (IPM), open unemployment, Farmers’ Exchange Rate (NTN), and Fishermen’s Exchange Rate.

The Macro Development Indicator is also in line with efforts to fulfill indicator 17.13.1* namely the Availability of a Dashboard

  • SDGs performance
  • Regional Performance
  • Scatter Plot Analysis
  • Multi Graph Analysis
  • Specific Age Group Analysis
  • Data Availability
  • Monitoring and Evaluation

SDGs Performance is a menu that can display SDGs indicators in a customized manner according to the objectives, indicator codes, and year of data. This menu is also equipped with national targets on indicators for which targets are available. So that users can find out the latest achievements and gaps with national targets.

The SDGs Performance Screen will display national, provincial and district/city level data with line charts and tables. In addition, socio-economic disaggregation of data such as area of residence, gender, age group, and educational level can also be raised if the data is available.

The SDGs Performance Screen on the bottom panel can also display achievements in a particular year with geomap visualization and bar charts. Users can click on the desired year and later at the bottom will appear the data distribution on the geomap and bar chart.

Regional Performance is a menu to see the condition of achievement indicators and their performance against national targets. The achievement data points can be located between the red, yellow, and green areas which describe the achievement performance of each indicator compared to the national target.

To determine the location of the achievement data points, the calculation of the score or the distance between the achievement and the set national target is used.

For positive indicators or indicators that must be improved (example 4.3.1. (a) Higher Education Gross Enrollment Rate (APK)), how far the distance between achievement and the national target is calculated by the formula: for indicators with a POSITIVE improvement direction (increased ) Score = 100-((Actual-Target)/Target) x 100 For negative indicators or indicators whose numbers must be reduced (example 2.1.1* Prevalence of undernourishment), how far is the distance between achievement and the national target calculated by the formula: for indicators with a NEGATIVE improvement direction (decreased) Score = 100- ((Actual-Target)/Target) x 100

Achievement data points that are in the area:

Red: achievements far from the target or still lower than the national target, with a distance of less than 50 percent to the target.

Yellow: achievement is still lower than the national target, but the distance to the target is more than 50 percent.

Green: achievement is better or exceeds the national target (distance to target is 100% or more)

In the scatter plot or paired data analysis menu, users can interactively exercise the relationship between two or more SDGs indicators for each of the SDGs Goals.

Scatter Plot Analysis is a menu for pairing selected indicators at the provincial or city-district level. On this screen, the user can select several indicators across Development Goals and Pillars, for example, indicator 1.2.1* Percentage of poor people living below the National Poverty Line, 2.2.1* Prevalence of Stunting in Children Under Five Years, 6.2.1* Percentage of Households Who Having Access to Proper Sanitation.

Users can also select a specific year on several indicators that they feel are related to see correlations. Later the correlation values will appear in the form of tables and quadrants.

Users must understand the context and carefully select indicators and read the results of the correlation analysis. Considering that not all correlations show the relationship between indicators. Thus, users also need to read and refer to other relevant literature to enrich the results of the analysis

Multi Graph Analysis is a menu to display several SDGs indicators whose data is available at the national and provincial levels on the same screen. Later the data displayed on the graph can be in the form of original statistics and z-score values.

Accordion Content

Data Availability is a menu to view detailed information related to data such as data sources and a list of indicators for which data is available. It will be easier for users to pay attention to the details of data sources because data will be included from basic statistics (BPS) or sectoral statistics (K/L).

Monitoring and Evaluation is a menu to display performance trends and achievement gaps in SDGs indicators at the national, provincial, district/city levels, and socio-economic disaggregation compared to national targets.


The Monitoring and Evaluation screen will make it easier for users to see the evaluation results of the implementation of SDGs indicators in a certain year compared to the target for that year

Each of the SDGs’ goals has equal value and weight. There are no goals and targets that have a higher or lower weight than other goals and targets. There are 17 goals (goals), 169 targets, and 289 national indicators of TPB/SDGs according to Metadata of Indonesian TPB/SDGs Indicators Edition II.

In this dashboard, the indicators displayed for each goal are selected indicators that deliberately highlight the progress of their achievements. So that not all 289 national indicators are displayed on this dashboard.

Some indicators have sub-indicators whose data is displayed separately. There is a description regarding the sub-indicator at the end of the indicator name. Example:

Indicator 4.1.2* Level of completion of elementary school/equivalent, junior high school/equivalent, and high school/equivalent level

Sub Indicators:

  • 1.2* Level of completion of elementary school level education/equivalent
  • 1.2* Level of completion of junior high school/equivalent education
  • 1.2* Level of completion of senior high school education/equivalent

The national target figures currently used to measure the performance of achieving the SDGs are mainly sourced from Matrix 1 of the National Action Plan (RAN) for SDGs/SDGs. If there are indicator targets that are not yet available in the RAN TPB/SDGs, then the target figures refer to the Government Work Plan (RKP) or other published government planning documents.

Not all indicators displayed on the SDGs Dashboard version 3.0 have complete data available disaggregated up to province/district/city or according to other social and economic classifications.

Some indicators have sub-indicators whose data is displayed separately. There is a description regarding the sub-indicator at the end of the indicator name. Example:

Indicator 4.1.2* Level of completion of elementary school/equivalent, junior high school/equivalent, and high school/equivalent level

Sub Indicators:

1.2* Level of completion of elementary school level education/equivalent

1.2* Level of completion of junior high school/equivalent education

1.2* Level of completion of senior high school education/equivalent

The national target figures currently used to measure the performance of achieving the SDGs are mainly sourced from Matrix 1 of the National Action Plan (RAN) for SDGs/SDGs. If there are indicator targets that are not yet available in the RAN TPB/SDGs, then the target figures refer to the Government Work Plan (RKP) or other published government planning documents.

Not all indicators displayed on the SDGs Dashboard version 3.0 have complete data available disaggregated up to province/district/city or according to other social and economic classifications.

Data on the achievements of the SDGs/TPB indicators displayed on the dashboard come from several data sources with concepts and definitions, as well as calculation methods referring to the Indonesian SDGs/SDGs Indicator Metadata II Edition.

There are 3 (three) types of data on the dashboard, namely: (a) sectoral data originating from ministries/agencies and other relevant data provider institutions; (b) basic statistical data obtained from the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS); and (c) data whose constituent variables come from BPS and Ministries/Institutions and the final calculation is coordinated by the Sector Directorate at the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas.