This page displays Regional Performance Features in Indonesia to see the performance achievements or GAP values of SDGs indicators each year between Statistics (actual) and Target Values that have been set.

On the SDGs Indicators page, there are 5 sub-menus, namely: 1.  Regional Setting and Filter; 2. SDGs Pillar and Indicators; 3. Data Years; 4. Data Scores; 5. Scoring System

The steps for use are:

  1. Selects the Regional Level feature of the Region and Region Name (Filter: Province Name or All) for which performance will be analyzed.
  2. Select Pillar features (Filter: Social, Economic, Environmental, Legal and Governance, or All) and Indicator features (Filter: Selected SDGs indicators).
  3. Select the Data year feature (Filter: 2018-2022) to display. Basically, the last data year is chosen, and users can also choose the last two data periods because there are times when indicator statistics do not appear in each period.
  4. The size of the score range below the score calculation graph and the range of achievement areas (shaded red yellow green in the table) where the performance score (blue dot) shows the GAP of the actual vs target value. Click the Blue Dot to see a standardized SCORE with an easy-to-understand range of values:  
    1. 100 means the Target has been achieved
    2. Above 100 means that the Target has been exceeded by the Statistics value
    3. Below 100 means that the Target has not been met by the Statistics value

Performance Scores will appear in order from top to bottom from the largest performance score to the smallest performance (see red-yellow-green shaded region).

  1. Green Color : Achieved
  2. Yellow Color : Will be achieved / improved (positive change)
  3. Red Color : Need special attention (negative change)
  4. Click Scoring System, if you want to know the calculation formula for the Indicator according to its the direction of improvement, whether it is POSITIVE (enhanced) or NEGATIVE (lowered)